How to handle your fussy child

Children are the gift of God. However, handling them during the Inception stage is somewhat painful. You need to understand the mental level of small children and get to know what would convince them to do the needful. Manhandling kids during their growing stage can leave an eternal impact upon the brain. Instead of beating and abusing children for small and big things, learn to handle children in a very subtle manner through the expert tips we have shared here.


Here are a few small tips to handle fussy children –

  • Be Rewarding

For every little thing that your child does, there should be appreciation and reward for that. You don’t have to always give reward in materialistic form. Rewards can be in any form (ex- letting your children play a little more, allowing them to watch television a bit more, helping them to sleep better or something that). Once you show signs of appreciation, your child will definitely start inculcating those good habits permanently.

  • Scold but love

Too much of scolding and beating can make your child rebellious. Instead of handling your child in a strict manner, show them affection so that they can automatically follow your footsteps. Children are always Biased towards love and affection. Even if you have scolded them for some reason, never forget to neutralize it by loving them in the best possible way.

  • Install a night camera

Handling fussy children is not only restricted to your physical presence with them. It also includes managing them during your absence. Installation of a night camera in the room of your child can help you to keep a constant watch upon them. Moreover, there would be sufficient privacy which would again keep them calm. Little steps for managing your children keep things going in the best favor of parental care.

  • Keep them constantly engaged

One of the master methods for handling fussy children is engaging them in something that maintains their interest. For example, you can buy a drawing book, clay game, sand game or something that attracts the attention of the child. Once the kid starts enjoying the activity, he/she will definitely stop troubling you for several hours of the day.

  • Managing food better

Narrate grandma stories and involve them in food preparation so that they have a personal interest in eating. Little children are difficult to handle in case of eating habits. If you can manage, try to make eating and adventurous task for your child. Bring different colored vessels and put on television so that your child does not pay much attention to what is being fed. Also, eat while feeding them so that you both can enjoy the meal together.

  • Stay strong

Now, this is the last but most important point to remember while you initiate positive parenting skills. Never lose your temper, I repeat never. Children remember nothing but the way you have treated them when they were young. Never use vulgar language before them even if you lose your temper. Just overcome the situation by secluding yourself from the child.




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